
Sincerely 'Fro Me to You - Stark Fear Edition

This is an oldie but goodie. Even though my kids are terrified, this picture never fails to make me laugh. Oh, I know I'm horrible. ;) Naturally, my kids hate it and cringe when I show it off.At Animal Kingdom, Bear wanted to ride the Dinosaur ride. I have NO recollection of it whatsoever. All I remember is how scared Bear was during the entire thing. When we saw our picture, we knew we had to buy it. Thank the heavens above that Big D had a grip on Bear & I had a hand holding him down or he would have been outta there! And, poor Lamb, was right there beside the big huge dinosaur that was waiting to gobble us. I guess I should have researched the ride, but what a great memory! Click on the picture to really see the expressions & Bear's tight grip on Big D's jeans.


Forgetfulone said...

Oh, we rode that ride over spring break last year! I didn't buy the picture, though. Ugh, ugh. No way. I looked hideous! You look perfectly fine and happy. How'd you do that?

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

That is the Funniest. Picture. Evah! I crack up every time I see it, too! Good times.

I did a Disney pic, too! GMTA!

Anonymous said...

How cute!! I love your dauther's eyes.

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

That's hilarious! I wish I'd had my video camera at Books-A-Million last week when my hubby scared the bejeebies out of my youngest with a hand puppet ...

Valarie Lea said...

Hahaha These ride pictures are the best!

Jerralea said...

That is a priceless pic!

I have a bad memory of a ride from childhood which is why I will not ride a ride that goes upside down.

These things warp you for life!

littletoesandcheerios said...

OMG! That has me cracking up!! What a great idea to share this for a post. Now we all have to get ours out...I have a Medieval Times one somewhere!

Carolina Mama said...

Pretty priceless. That is too fun!

TJ said...

Oh that is one of those you have to save for a laugh! I took my daughter on a few, that I wish they'd had a photo. Only one of the roller coasters did take photos, and she actually enjoyed that one.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Poor little lamb! She looks like her eyes just might pop out of her head.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

HA!!!! That is so stinkin' hilarious!!!!

Kristen said...

Great picture! That ride gave my kids nightmares for weeks!

I loved it!

marky said...

LOL..that is a Classic!! Love it!

Patois42 said...

I did that ride three years ago. My daughter, a very sensitive soul when it comes to noise and such, bowed out. My eldest son took an out as well. Youngest and me, him clutching me all the time.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it bad enough that you show all your friends! Now it's on the internet! T_T *sigh* That's the story of my life, ALL dinosaur rides have something scary. :(

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

how fun and what a great share!

coastie bro said...

stop being so dang on mean to my sweet lovin niece!

Happy Mommy said...

That is so funny! We did a scooby doo ride a few weeks ago.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

While Lamb's expression is, indeed funny, it is Bear's reaction that cracks me up so much!

"I'm outta here!"

Tammy said...

This is priceless. We should have bought the one from the Tower of Terror. I think you could read my lips completely in the photo! ;-o

Tales From the Eurovan said...

Great picture and yes you had to buy it! When we went to six flags this summer we had a similar experience with the log ride! Each of the kids reduced to tears and yes, we bought it also and display it proudly!

Take care,

jenny said...

That was so funny!

Misty DawnS said...

Oh my gosh - this is TOO MUCH!!! bwaaaaaahahahahah I'd love to comment, but I have to go look at the pic again - that's absolutely priceless.