
Camera Critters #19

The Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus have an elephant conservation center that they established in 1995.

Check us out at Camera Critters.


Dina said...

What an amazing picture!
Glad you told us there is an elephant conservation center. In Florida, is it?
Once we visited a private elephant sanctuary in Arkansas. They cared for eleven unwanted or ex-circus elephants.

ratmammy said...

nice photo!

Kahshe Cottager said...

What a fun headdress for the elephant! A circus version of a Las Vegas showgirl!

Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here

Lapa37 said...

Wow what a cool picture

Rambling Woods said...

I remember..You work in a RR former lifetime. It always bothered me to see elephants in the circus so I am happy if they started something to help...

bobbie said...

Love it. Elephants always look so eager to please those they are working for. but I know there have been many mistreated.

david mcmahon said...

.... and all this time I thought jumbos were built by Boeing!!

Enjoyed your Photo Hunt shot too ....

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! When I was a kid, we also love watching the circus! Too bad there weren't much circus here now.

My critter's up HERE. Happy weekends!

i beati said...

wow that's a critter I saw Pittsburgh zoo got 2 300 pound elepant babaies Whee sandy

judi/Gmj said...

Fun, even if I don't like pea green. :) Seriously, I contribute to that Conservation Center.

Cath said...

Oh wow! I love love love elephants!

Wonderful shot. Thanks for stopping by!

threesidesofcrazy said...

I always loved the elephants at the circus!

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

my goodness! very cool photo. I've never been to a circus before.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Fantastic photo, usogirl. I wonder if elephants think at all about the curiosity of humans standing on their (the elephant's) heads. I do hope B & B treats their animals well. I am of two minds when it comes to animals in captivity, especially those that are put on display for purely entertainment purposes. I enjoy seeing them, but would much rather do so in the wild, were it possible.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this - Elephants are my favorite animals. They're so smart. I've bookmarked the link you gave us for when I've more time to read through it. Great CC post!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

OMG - GMTA, eh? I swear we don't plan this, folks!

Anonymous said...

That is one big critter. Nice lighting on this one.

My critter is here

Misty DawnS said...

First of all - it's an awesome photo, and I love it!

Second - you and B/S absolutely crack me up. Your friendship is special beyond words, and your mental and spiritual connection with each other is obvious ;-) You two are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

That's a neat picture!

Rhea said...

That's a great photo! It's amazing how small that human looks on top of the elephant. I love elephants, there such big, goofy creatures but so magnificent!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

D: That is one big elephant.

kris said...

that's great! My little guy used to love the circus, not so much anymore! Love the pic!

Forgetfulone said...

Great picture! Did I read that right, that you are in Houston, and possibly not far from me? I saw a comment on another blog mentioning Fairmont (Kohl's). I was there today! I'm in Clear Lake, or did you already know that? What have I missed?

AppleDebbie said...

Elephants are such wonderful creatures. Very nice photo!

Kelly said...

Great picture of the elephant! They are so talented in the Circus!!

Gretchen said...

That's a super shot!!!!