
Blogging Through ½ a Year!

I found this neat meme from Patois, writer of Whee! All The Way Home. She posted the 1st sentence (or 2) of her 1st post for the 1st day of each month in 2007. I thought that was a clever idea. I haven't been posting a full year, but figured I'd give it a whirl anyway, with links even!

June: I am not much of a writer, nor an entertainer, but I am going to try and do my part.

July: After listing 8 things that I know, I got to thinking about ALL the things I don't know.

August: I can't believe it's already August. [I have such a way with words, no? ;) ]

September: Cross country meet held the day after heavy rain.

October: Bear threw up after his orthodontist appointment so that meant no going to school for him.

November: We celebrated a successful Halloween last night and have the candy to prove it!

December: Hand-blown Italian glass that I covet.


Patois42 said...

Sure, one-up me by linking. Loved looking at the links. My favorite first sentence? The one for October. Like going past a car wreck, I just had to look.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

LOL! Love this idea! I'm going to do it, too!

D... said...

Hee! I had to laugh at October's opening sentence too. As I was re-reading the post, I realized I need to do another update. Lamb did indeed receive a trophy for the drama fest. We aren't sure what was up with that, but we aren't complaining!