
Life's Routine is Returning

Today marked the return of a semblance of normalcy for me. I returned to work. After having 11 days off. It's a small step. A step I needed. The students return Monday. While I dread the rat race beginning again, I am so anxious to see their faces, hear their stories. I have a new worry. Compacted curriculum. I won't get into that here tho.

If interested, here is a site filled with pictures people have taken around the area. It's mind boggling.
Things won't be normal around here for a long, long time. But it's important for us to start picking up the pieces of our lives, our routine.

The funnies have started coming in. Bubba's Sis posted one that a local friend sent us. Here is another one I thought was cute as well as true. I said the day before the hurricane hit that it felt like Christmas. And not the kind of Christmas I like to celebrate! Please don't think I'm making light of anyone's situation. My heart hurts deeply for those who have lost a little, a lot, or everything. Sometimes you just have to laugh to keep from crying.

Top Ten Reasons Hurricane Season Is Like Christmas

Number Ten
Decorating the house (with plywood).

Number Nine
Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season.

Number Eight
Last minute shopping in crowded stores.

Number Seven
Regular TV shows pre-empted for 'Specials'.

Number Six
Family coming to stay with you.

Number Five
Family and friends from out of state calling you.

Number Four
Buying food you don't normally buy . . . and in large quantities.

Number Three
Days off from work.

Number Two

And the Number One reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas:

At some point you're probably going to have a tree in your house!


Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Yes, we've got to keep our sense of humor or we'll go crazy. This is a good one! :-)

marky said...

Oh goodness.. I hate to laugh at those.. but they are funny. Glad that you can find humor in the midst of tough times!

Anonymous said...

You gotta laugh, if only to not cry. I'm glad normal is crepping back. I hope Monday is a great day for you and the kids!

Forgetfulone said...

Such a long day today! My school has major damage. My room got flooded, so today was like moving in from day one. I'm exhausted. Our students won't have gyms till Christmas, most likely. They have to go over to the high school for athletics. I won't have carpet in my room for about a month. The slab is still damp.

But... I'm glad we're getting back into our routine. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be to get up this morning. I'm glad we went back today so we have a weekend to rest and refresh.

Thanks for the funnies!

Forgetfulone said...

I have an award and a tag for you. Maybe it'll be a good end to a very long day.

littletoesandcheerios said...

Glad you are back into a normal routine again.
I like number 6 and of course # 1!! Very funny.

Misty DawnS said...

I always enjoy your humor, and I am very thankful you and the family are all right.

jenny said...

Oh, man, that's so right and funny!

jennyonthespot said...

You are really good. I mean GOOD. Not many could draw so many parallels between hurricane season and Christmas. I love your mind :)