
Where Has The Summer Gone?

I can't believe it's already August. Seems like just yesterday was the last day of school and we had an endless summer ahead of us. We are lucky this year to get an extra couple of weeks of summer. The government decided we can't start school early anymore. I'm not ready to go back. Sure, I miss my kids and want to see them again. I want to know they are safe (as safe as they can be) and sound. I want to hear all about the things they did on their break. But, I'm not ready for the day to day of it all. I know technically I still have 22 working days left of summer to enjoy. However, work stuff has already started creeping back into my life. I'm not happy about it but it is what it is. And it's time to start planning for all the back to school stuff; supplies, clothes, uniforms, lunch boxes, backpacks, shoes.... Sigh....

Bear has been having some morning sickness these past few days. I'm pretty sure he's not expecting a baby. I'm hoping it's just sinus drainage. This morning on the way to take the girls to Bubba's Sis for drama camp, he got sick in the car. That was not pleasant nor were the girls happy. As the kids would probably tell you, I wasn't happy either. Luckily, it was pretty much all contained on his person. What a day and it's not even noon yet!

I do have some fun stuff to look forward to happening. Coastie Bro's 2 kids are coming for a visit on Friday. His daughter is 2 mths older than Lamb and his son is about a yr or so younger than Bear. They all get along together really great and enjoy each other. We have some fun stuff planned for them to do. And, in a couple of weeks, we'll go to Corpus Christi with the Bubba's Sis Family. We'll hit the beach and a baseball game. The girls are THRILLED about that, I tell ya! It will be really nice to get away for a weekend.


Melissa said...

I know how you feel about summer going by so fast. It's like there's all this time, then suddenly, like out of no where, there is no more. So I guess that leaves us to cleave to the little time we have, huh? Until next year...

coastie bro said...

i am sorry to hear that Bear is not having a baby. that is my dream to have one. but it sure was funny reading about how he is not pregant. also the car ride just added more pleasure to it.

yep ur nex 22 working days will go be super fast with all that fun you will be having. remmeber you can t spank them but you sure can send them to the corner on their knees butt in the air. i personally think you should do that as soon as they walk in the door. that way they know you are not messing around.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Can't wait for our getaway! Bear better not throw up on me, tho.

D... said...

Coastie Bro, I am not going to do that to your kids. :P It's their VACATION! I am not worried about them knowing I'm not messing around at all. All 4 of them will be perfect little angels. Well, maybe 3 out of the 4. ;)

I'm cleaving to my time, I'm cleaving! Until next year, Melissa.... :D

Bear better not throw up on you, Bubba's Sis? He better not throw up on ME! Hee.